The Blood of Jesus!

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Plead the Blood of Jesus Christ!

John 19:34 34But one of the soldiers with a spear pierced his side, and forthwith came there out blood and water.

1 John 5:5-8 5Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God? 6This is he that came by water and blood, even Jesus Christ; not by water only, but by water and blood. And it is the Spirit that beareth witness, because the Spirit is truth. 7For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one. 8And there are three that bear witness in earth, the Spirit, and the water, and the blood: and these three agree in one.

Draw near to God, through the Blood of Jesus Christ and be washed clean in His Blood and the word of God! Amen!

Hebrews 10:21-22 says, 21And having an high priest over the house of God;
22Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience, and our bodies washed with pure water.

Hear is an example of a prayer I used to draw close to God, I used this prayer for about six months! You can altar it according to your weaknesses.

Start with Praise God! Thank-you Jesus! Glory be to God! Jesus is Lord! Praise be to Jesus! Hallelujah! Etc. (Say this over and over, for about an hour.)

1. I put the blood of Jesus over everyone I meet today, I see today, and I speak to today.

2. I put the blood of Jesus over those who come against me in Jesus Holy name.

3. I humble myself before you Father, God of heaven. I humble my self before all mankind.

4. God be merciful to me a sinner in Jesus name.

5. I put all my trust in my Father, God of heaven thru His son Jesus' Holy name.

6. I put the blood of Jesus over every part of me. Father, Holy God of heaven search every part of me for any sin that is in me and search every part of me for anything I have done this day that is displeasing to you in Jesus Holy name. Than start praising God. Say, praise God, praise God, etc. As you are doing this, God will give you the sins you missed throughout the day. When you get a sin, like doubt. Put the Blood of Jesus over doubt. By saying it. I put the Blood of Jesus over doubt. Father, God have mercy on me forgive me for doubt in Jesus Holy name. Father, God give me the victory over doubt in Jesus Holy name. Than start praising God again, if you don't get anymore sins, move on to the next step, if you do get more sins, than repeat the process.

7. I put the blood of Jesus over every part of me. I put the blood of Jesus over all my sins, wash me in your precious blood Lord Jesus, pour out your blood over every part of me Lord Jesus, cleanse me and make me white as snow Lord Jesus.

8. Father Holy God of heaven forgive me of all I've done this day that was displeasing to you in Jesus Holy name. Father, Holy God of heaven forgive me of all my sins in Jesus Holy name.

9. I put all my unrighteousness, all my sins, iniquities, abominations, transgressions, trespasses, wrong doing, wrong thinking, wrong believing and wrong speaking right up to this second in time into your Holy Sea of forgetfulness, Father, Holy God of heaven in Jesus Holy name.

10. I put the blood of Jesus over pride, arrogance, conceit and vanity. Father, Holy God of heaven give me the victory over all pride in Jesus Holy name.

11. I put the blood of Jesus over self-thinking, self-believing, self-speaking, self-doing and self-wanting.

12. I put the blood of Jesus over my mind. Lord Jesus pour out your precious, powerful, healing blood over my mind. Wash my mind in your blood, Lord Jesus. Cleanse my mind and make it white as snow. Father, Holy God of heaven give me the victory over my mind in Jesus Holy name. I put on the mind of Christ in Jesus name!

13. I put the blood of Jesus over debate and contention. Father, Holy God of heaven give me the victory over debate and contention in Jesus Holy name.

14. I put the blood of Jesus over all doubt and unbelief. Father, Holy God of heaven give me the victory over all doubt and unbelief in Jesus Holy name.

15. I put the blood of Jesus over judging and condemning. Father, Holy God of heaven give me the victory over judging and condemning in Jesus Holy name.

16. I put the blood of Jesus over resentment and rebellion. Father, Holy God of Heaven give me the victory over resentment and rebellion in Jesus Holy name.

17. I put the blood of Jesus over defiance. Father, Holy God of Heaven give me the victory over all defiance in Jesus Holy name.

18. I put the blood of Jesus over haughty mind, haughty walk, haughty talk, and haughty look. Father, Holy God of heaven give me the victory over all haughtiness in Jesus Holy name.

19. I put the blood of Jesus over all my sexuality in Jesus Holy name. Father, Holy God of heaven give me the victory over all my sexuality in Jesus Holy name.

20. I put the blood of Jesus over double mind ness, and instability.

21. I put the blood of Jesus over worries, frustration and stress.

22. I put the blood of Jesus over confusion, nervousness, tension and fear.

23. I put the blood of Jesus over boredom and loneliness.

24. I put the blood of Jesus over lust, adultery and fornication.

25. I put the blood of Jesus over love of self pleasures.

26. I put the blood of Jesus over sickness and disease.

27. I put the blood of Jesus over head strong, and wandering mind.

28. I put the blood of Jesus over all demonic spirits listed in the Bible.

29. I put the blood of Jesus over all demonic spirits listed in the dictionary of the world.

30. I put the blood of Jesus over all demonic spirits I don't know the names of or know exist.

31. I put the blood of Jesus over every evil spirit. Father, God cast out all these evil spirits from every part of me and cast them back into the center of hell and don't let them come back on me again in Jesus Holy name.

32. God bless me with your perfect love that sets me free from all fears of the Devil and Satan in Jesus name. God bless me with your perfect truth in your son that sets me free from all lies, snares and traps of the Devil and Satan.

Start praising God: Praise God, thank you Jesus, Hallelujah, etc.

Now that is how you confess your sins and repent, with a Blood sacrifice in Jesus name!

1 Peter 2:4-5 says, 4To whom coming, as unto a living stone, disallowed indeed of men, but chosen of God, and precious, 5Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ.

Convictions are things like pressure in your head, flushed skin, flu like symptoms, a sharp pain somewhere in your b0dy, etc..

Conviction! When I get a conviction? Put the blood of Jesus over every part of you. Put the blood of Jesus over all your sins. (Ask God) Father, Holy God of heaven, “Is there something you want me to know.” If He says, “Yes!” Then ask, Father, Holy God of heaven, “What do you want me to know?” The Holy Spirit will give you the sin.

If the sin is lust or any other sin. Say this, I put the Blood of Jesus over lust (or other sin). Father, God have mercy on me, forgive me for lust (name of sin) in Jesus Holy name. Father God, give me the victory over lust (name of other sin) in Jesus Holy name.

Casting out Satan! Get the hence Satan in Jesus Holy name. I resist you Satan in Jesus name. I am a child of God. I command you to depart from me immediately and take your stinkin demons with you in Jesus Holy name.

The Past! What's done is done, what's in the past is past. I put the blood of Jesus over my looking back and giving place to the past and dwelling upon it. Father, God give me the victory over the past in Jesus Holy name.

Enemies: I put the blood of Jesus Christ over that person (name of person) and his heart. Father I pray in the name of Jesus to soften his/her harden heart and avenge his/her soul according to your will and ways in Jesus Holy name. God bless him/her with your perfect love and perfect truth in Jesus mighty name.

Isaiah 45:11 Thus saith the LORD, the Holy One of Israel, and his Maker, Ask me of things to come concerning my sons, and
concerning the work of my hands command ye me.

There are more devil and demon spirits on
devils and demons page.